Divine Changemakers: Quantum Creativity | Sessions | Selacia

DNA Sessions

Background & Scheduling

  • All DNA sessions are both a healing and a reading.
  • Healing is from a quantum level, incorporating all aspects of your being – physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. This multidimensional form of healing helps you understand limiting patterns and gives foresight about your life.
  • Sessions incorporate energies and insights that accelerate your evolution, activate healing and open new doors. You are connected with your own light, the divine within you, and expanded potentials of your divine changemaker self.  
  • Selacia intuitively reads your energy field during the session, receiving feedback from your energy and the DNA itself related to issues being addressed. Within the morphogenetic field around the DNA, Selacia can intuitively detect the root causes of conditions – often going back through lifetimes and the generations of the person’s ancestors. Issues are cleared at the root source within the DNA itself, and healed across time to include the “now.” This impacts the present, the future, and even helps heal the family by clearing patterns involving the lineage. The theory behind this healing work is that we can influence our DNA through lifestyle choices, thoughts, emotional responses, and energy healing processes. The DNA is seen as a kind of akashic record of a person’s experiences and the experiences of his or her ancestors, developed over time. Through a series of lifetimes, the person and ancestors develop belief systems that block expression of wholeness. Underneath the dysfunctional patterns is the person’s divine self which is naturally loving, joyful, and empowered in the world.
  • During sessions you may feel the presence of your own spiritual guides as well as The Council of 12. This group of highly evolved nonphysical beings is an integral part of Selacia’s life and work in the world. The loving energy and assistance of these wise guides is incorporated into your healings with Selacia. It’s common to feel or otherwise notice their presence and assistance in advance of sessions, during the session itself, and afterwards as you incorporate energies of the session.
  • Types of issues addressed include: personal empowerment, relationships, loss of loved ones now on the other side, blocks to intuition and use of psychic gifts, career, finances, spiritual growth, and life crossroads. Specific examples include: clearing past intimate relationships with an “energetic disconnect” that includes a potent and life-changing soul retrieval process at a DNA level:
    • clearing blocks that prevent you from fully expressing your authentic voice and empowered divine changemaker self
    • communications with loved ones on the other side
    • healing of issues with weight and/or body image
    • clearing DNA level blocks resulting from loss of a child or other traumatic event
    • clearing blocks to abundance by addressing vows of poverty and generational belief systems about money
    • emotional body clearing to address old or current wounds
    • healing of patterns blocking your trust in spirit and/or your ability to connect tangibly with spirit
    • clearing patterns and energetic blockages in the way of your health and well-being
    • clearing blocks involving career and right livelihood
    • understanding the root causes of physical limitations and dis-ease.
  • Most sessions are an hour from any location via phone, mobile app (e.g. whatsapp, viber) or skype (or in person if you prefer). If a basic session goes overtime, it’s requested that you return to the website to donate funds for the additional time.
  • The first healing session is the DNA activation/healing – please see below.
  • After that first session, the next session(s) will focus on whatever your key topic of concern is at that time. Providing a brief summary of this issue ahead of time begins the process of healing and opening of your energies. As much as possible be specific about what you want healing/information on – including examples of how the issue plays out in your life and/or causes you challenges. When asking about situations involving other people, give Selacia the first name of the person and who they are in your life. Keep your questions specific and present-time oriented – rather than asking if something will happen or when it will happen, ask what you need to know or do or change within yourself in order to facilitate the outcome you want. You do not need to know what specific DNA-level patterns are blocking you or causing you challenges. These will become clear during the sessions with Selacia – she sees them psychically in your energy field during the session.
  • Schedule your DNA session by first ordering it at the website. Then you will be prompted to fill out a client form, which will also allow you upload to Selacia photos of yourself and any significant people or pets (include first name and relation to you). Other types of sessions offered include astrology sessions, pet sessions, crystal journey sessions, and healing intensives.
  • By requesting any services from Selacia you understand, acknowledge and accept the Disclaimer, Confidentiality and Permissions on the website.
  • Ask us about Healing Intensives with Selacia, offered over a period of several days.

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DNA Sessions

US $175 per hour session rate for
DNA Sessions

What people say about DNA Sessions with Selacia:

After our DNA session focusing on youth and vitality, I felt emotional joy within, with so much excitement.  I haven't felt this way since I was 16 with an hourglass figure and looking at life with excitement and energy.

Since we started working together, my energy has improved considerably.  I am also now able to easily wake up in the morning, something I have not been able to do for quite a while.  I enjoy the DNA rose quartz crystal so much!  It really amplifies the energy of the healing and I feel its energy in between sessions and it greatly assists in the clearing process.  Thank you for all of your help.

After we worked with the issue of judgment and criticism, I was able to share with someone without fearing I would be judged.  I have felt stronger inside myself.  I continue to have situations that are potentially crisis-ridden.  However, I find that my increased sense of self-love helps me to stay balanced.  A few days after our session, I felt a deep happiness within, a new emotion to me.  Changes are happening already!

The DNA rose quartz crystal has very powerful energy and is assisting me with integrating the energies of the DNA activation.  Since our first session, I am remembering more of my dreams and they are more vivid.  I also am seeing more brilliant colors out of my peripheral vision.  At work, I now have an easier time staying present.

I love the work we did!  Since our session, I've felt more self-love.  I'm now able to accept and receive love so much easier.  I also feel more like I deserve the love.  As a reflection of this in my world, people are nicer to me and they are saying that I deserve good things!  Working with you is clearing the cobwebs.  My communications with unseen guides has increased, too.  The DNA crystal is fabulous.  Before my first session, my friend in New York called me and held his DNA crystal as we talked, before I had received my own.  I got goose bumps all over just talking with him as he held it!

The DNA rose quartz crystal has very powerful energy and is assisting me with integrating the energies of the DNA activation.  Since our first session, I am remembering more of my dreams and they are more vivid.  I also am seeing more brilliant colors out of my peripheral vision.  At work, I now have an easier time staying present.

This is a major doorway of ascension!  I've done a lot of work over the years, but this connects the dots!  I now see that I can learn through joy.  The DNA crystal is a big generator.  This work is very connected to the here and now.  This DNA work is amazing.  I feel more alive and less likely to buy into the 3-D perspective of the world.  The DNA crystal helps me to bring the energy into the body, and a sense of bliss comes into my heart.  Each time we work, the energy of the crystal gets even more powerful.  Having the Council of 12 involved in the process enhances the work.  This work is very tangible in the physical body, and I have anchored a sense of bliss inaccessible before.  I had previously given up on the idea that life could be blissful and happy.  When stuff does come up now, as is normal when you do healing, it now clears very quickly.

As a result of the DNA work, I feel less angry about my work environment and better able to cope with the stress.  Work is usually stressful, but the sessions help me to feel more balanced.  I now find that I catch myself when I'm being negative, and I'm often able to shift my focus to something positive.  In general, I feel increasingly optimistic about my life.  My energy level is better since we started working together.

As a result of the DNA work, I feel less angry about my work environment and better able to cope with the stress.  Work is usually stressful, but the sessions and having the DNA crystal at work help me to feel more balanced.  I now find that I catch myself when I'm being negative, and I'm often able to shift my focus to something positive.  In general, I feel increasingly optimistic about my life.  My energy level is better since we started working together.

This is a major doorway of ascension!  I've done a lot of work over the years, but this connects the dots!  I now see that I can learn through joy.  This DNA work is amazing.  I feel more alive and less likely to buy into the 3-D perspective of the world.  The DNA crystal is a big generator.  The DNA crystal helps me to bring the energy into the body, and a sense of bliss comes into my heart.  Each time we work, the energy of the crystal gets even more powerful!

Since my DNA activation, I've had a total change in consciousness.  I feel much more awareness, and like I'm more in control of my life.  My meditations now have a deeper sense of meaning and experience.  As a result of the DNA clearings, I feel an increasing sense of oneness, which is awesome!  I am also developing more of my intuitive sense.  Another plus is that I now feel that if I want or need something, it will manifest.  This work, combined with reading your book, helped me to validate what I always knew that God prefers the gentle way and we don't need to be punished.

Since the session, I've been feeling more connected to myself and less self critical. I tend to work, live, and move at a slower pace. The DNA crystal is beautiful. I held it last night, and still felt the energy flow through my body.

I was drawn to the DNA work because of the DNA rose quartz obelisks.  They are wonderful for opening the heart and for moving into more unconditional love.  Thank you for your work!

Order now:
DNA Sessions

US $175 per hour session rate for
DNA Sessions